Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Status Report for Date 01/08/2007 to Date 01/24/2007

After winter break, I returned to work on Maze system.
I keep on make all Chinese characters in Maze program display in English. I must check all files to make sure that no chinese characters are left. Chinese characters and English characters occupy different size of memory, and this may cause some problems, such as buffer overflow. So I must be careful not to make Maze crush. As a result, a lot work is needed besides making windows display in English. I have almost finished this task.
I wrote a simple manual for Maze based on its original help document that was written in Chinese.

An idea about Maze:
First I compare Maze and another P2P software-BitTorrent.
Features of Bit Torrent:
1. speed of download is dramatic.
This is because that Bit Torrent splits every file into many small pieces and everyone can download pieces from other peers who have downloaded them.
2. every one can publish seeds on a public forum and everyone can see the seed list.

Features of Maze:
1. Build a social netwok in Maze.
In Maze, you can add and remove buddies so that a social circle is formed in Maze. You can chat with your buddies and share resource with them.
2. Unit of sharing resource is file and Maze does not split shared files into small pieces.

Can we combine the advantages of those two projects?
We can make Bit Torrent support resource sharing in a group scale that can be specified by any group. And these resource can not be seen by the members in this group.