Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tomcat SSL configuration. Import certificate chain to keystore (emit error “keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate”)

I seldom use mutual authentication in the context of SSL. Recently, in our derived project (integration with MyOSG), we need to enforce use of mutual SSL authentication.

Enable client authentication in Tomcat server

At first, I enabled it in tomcat server configuration file

An important option is "clientAuth”.
Note: before this step, I have generated and imported a certificate for tomcat server.

Import user certificate

This is done by the end users who wish to access the protected services. They need to

  1. import received certificate from CA to their browser
    Actually, both the private key and certificate need to be imported.
    For Firefox, only pkcs#12 format is supported.  If the private key has been imported, you just need to import certificate whose format can be PEM, binary, etc.
  2. import server’s certificate into trusted ca repository in browser
    The aim is to make the browser trust the certificate received from remote service. It’s useful when the service certificate is not issued by a well-known top-level CA.

After those two steps, I directed my browser to the service url. Unfortunately, I got the following error:


After digging a little bit, I found out the cause was that tomcat server does not trust certificate sent by my browser. So the solution is simple: add certificate chain related to my certificate to tomcat keystore.

I got the certificate chain from the issuer of my certificate. It’s in PKCS#7 format and contains two certificates in the file. You can view PKCS7-formatted file using following commands:
1) openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -text < pkcs7_cert_chain.pem
2) keytool -printcert –file pkcs7_cert_chain.pem

When I tried to import it into keystore using following command
    keytool -importcert -file pkcs7_cert_chain.pem -keystore keystore -alias test-cert –trustcacerts
I got the following error
    keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate
I am sure keytool can recognize the file because the following command prints out information in the file correctly.
    keytool -printcert –file pkcs7_cert_chain.pem


After reading keytool manual carefully, I found following statements:

Importing a New Trusted Certificate

    Before adding the certificate to the keystore, keytool tries to verify it by attempting to construct
    a chain of trust from that certificate to a self-signed certificate (belonging to a root CA), using
    trusted certificates that are already available in the keystore.

Importing a Certificate Reply


      o If the reply is a PKCS#7 formatted certificate chain, the chain is first ordered (with the user
        certificate first and the self-signed root CA certificate last), before keytool attempts to
        match the root CA certificate provided in the reply with any of the trusted certificates in the
        keystore or the "cacerts" keystore file (if the -trustcacerts option was specified). If no match
        can be found, the information of the root CA certificate is printed out, and the user is
        prompted to verify it, e.g., by comparing the displayed certificate fingerprints with the fin-
        gerprints obtained from some other (trusted) source of information, which might be the root CA
        itself. The user then has the option of aborting the import operation. If the -noprompt option
        is given, however, there will be no interaction with the user.

So, what I was doing is to import a trusted certificate chain. This is not allowed directly. keytool just accepts cert file that includes a single certificate.

So I extracted two certificates into two files, and fed them into keytool one by one. Details:
Use command
    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs < pkcs7_cert_chain.pem
to display the two certificates in the original pkcs7 file. And then copied and pasted each cert into an individual file.

Note: when you are importing a certificate reply from a CA, certificate chain can be imported directly into keystore. However, before doing that, you must guarantee that the corresponding private key has already been imported in to the same keystore.