Thursday, November 05, 2009

A bug in Shindig code (for revision 832845)

Recently, I tried to deploy cyberaide filetransfer gadget ( and jobman gadget ( They did NOT work in shindig server built from revision 832845. Those two gadgets use ‘tab’ feature which is not implemented well in shindig code.

Problem description
See source code of tab feature at
In this file, function ‘html_sanitize’ is used. It is a function from caja javascript library.
Shindig website does not provide much useful information about integration of caja.
I found a useful wiki page in caja project:
Basically the user needs to add following text to ModulePrefs element of the gadget xml file
    <Require feature="caja"/>
After I changed the gadget xml file, it still didn’t work. It seems that after caja library sanitizes the rendered html/javascript code, some useful code is removed.

My solution
To make it simple, I disabled caja. I just removed invocations of functions belonging to caja library. Concretely, I removed invocations of function ‘html_sanitize’ in file ‘tab.js

Also, feature ‘minimessage’ also uses caja functions to sanitize html/javascript. If your gadgets use that feature, corresponding changes must be made as well.

Monday, November 02, 2009

X connection to localhost:xx.x broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)

When I run tomcat server, I got this weird problem. It seems that tomcat tries to access GUI, which is contrary to my thought that tomcat is a background daemon.

A simple google search brought me lots of posts about this problem:

According to suggestion from this post, I just unset environment variable *DISPLAY* in **.
In bash, use *unset DISPLAY*

Enable and disable Shindig caching

Shindig implements a complex caching hierarchy including referred external resources, locale messages, gadget specification files, etc.
During development phase, the developers want to disable caching to make modifications take effect immediately.

  • Build-Time Solution
    It is according to this post
    Download source code tree and build the war file using command “mvn –Pdebug package
  • Run-time solution
    HttpCache: caches http request sent out from shindig server. During gadget rendering, this is controlled by “nocache” parameter. So when you render a gadget, add parameter ‘nocache’ with value 1.
    I don’t know how to do it at server side.