Friday, May 23, 2008

Javascript Templates

Javascript Templates( is a sub project of project Trimpath. It is a client-side template engine whose functionality is similar to server-side Velocity and Smarty engines. It uses special markup syntax. Besides simple template matching and replacing, it also supports simple control flow, loop and variable declarations... Now I summarize the syntax:
(1) Variable Declaration
Syntax Example
{var variable}
{var variable = value}
{var price}
{var price = 10}
Note: No ending ';' is needed.

(2) Control Flow

Syntax Example:
{if expression}
    {elseif expression} ...   
    {else} ...
{if price > 10}
    {elseif price <20}...  
Note: No surrounding brackets are needed in test expression. No white space between first '{' and 'if'.

(3) Loop

Syntax Example
{for varariable in list}
   statements go here
{for price in pricelist}

(4) Expression

Syntax Example
${expression} ${car.brand}
${expression|modifier} ${car.brand|capitalize}
${expression|modifier1|modifer2} ${car.brand|default:"chevy"|capitalize}
... ...

Value of the expression will be returned.

Statement for( ; ; ) is not supported.
These statements are parsed and processed by Javascript Template Library instead of javascript itself.

(5) CDATA Text. Tag is cdata.
CDATA Text will be ignored and will not be processed.
(6) In-line javascript block. Tag is eval.
Multiple line javascript code can be put in a single block to evaluate.
(7) If you have multiple-line js code, you can use minify to tell processor to treat them as a whole.
For example:
<input type="button" onClick="{minify} Javascript event
handling code...

Note: eval and minify are different althought they are sort of similar.

How to process templates?
Commonly used functions:
(1) TrimPath.parseDOMTemplate ( elementId, contextObject )
This function retrieves content of the element corresponding to the first parameter. It should be a textarea element and its should be hidden.
The second parameter is a context object and it will be "merged" with the template. For example, if a template refers to ${car}, then the processor tries to access
(2) TrimPath.parseTemplate ( templateContentStr )
This function accepts a string as template instead of a dom element id.
You can parse a string template in this way:
TrimPath.parseTemplate( stringvariable ).process( contextObject ).

Variable Resolvation Precedence:
There are three kinds of scopes:
(1) Processor scope: it consists of all template statements.
(2) Context object scope: All properties of the context object.
(3) Local scope: local variables whic are not defined in template.

Case 1: In template expression and {eval}:
Processor scope is checked first, then context object is checked. At alst, local scope is checked.
For example:
    var data={car : "chevy"};
    var str = '${alert(car)}';
    str.process(data);        //alert "chevy"

    var str2 = '{var car = "ford"} ${alert(car)}''
    str2.process(data);      //alert "ford"

    var car = "toyota";
    var str3 = '${alert(car)}';
    str3.process();      //alert "toyota"

Case 2: All variables defined in template do not have effect in local scope.
For example:
    var str = '{var car="chevy"}${alert(car)}';
    str.process(data);        //alert "chevy"
    alert(car);                   //variable 'car' is not defined.

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