Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hibernate installation (run on MySQL)

Recently, I tried to install Hibernate on gridfarm machine. The version I used was 3.3.0 SP1.
Configuration document can be found here. However, the document seems not to be updated.
(1) Configuration file vs. hibernate.cfg.xml.
In the document, either one can be used. If both are used, configurations in hibernate.cfg.xml would override configurations in The document says using is an easy way to configure Hibernate. So I chose it. However, after trial I found that in Hibernate 3.3.0 SP1 hibernate.cfg.xml. In other words, you MUST have a configuration file "hibernate.cfg.xml". Of course, you can use programmatical configuration which is not covered in this post.
(2) Logger
In documents, I saw "Hibernate logs various events using Apache commons-logging.". However, when I tried to run my Hibernate app, it complained that logger class can not be found. After inspection, I figured out that Hibernate 3.3.0 does NOT use Apache common-logging any more. Instead it uses slf4j. But in Hibernate 3.3.0 SP1 distribution only slf4j-api jar is included while an implementation is needed to run Hibernate(If you turn off logging, I don't know whether it will still complain). In other words, to use logging functionality, you must download an implementation of logging service supported by slf4j. I used slf4j-simple.
(3) JNDI bindings (for session factory and data source).
Because I just wanted to write a simple prototype without deploying in J2EE server, I chose not to use JNDI bindings for data source or session factory. After several hour trial, I could not get it to work!! I always got the error "org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory - Could not bind factory to JNDI".It seemed that Hibernate always was always trying to use JNDI to bind Session Factory. However, the official document says

"A JNDI bound Hibernate SessionFactory can simplify the lookup of the factory and the creation of new Sessions. Note that this is not related to a JNDI bound Datasource, both simply use the same registry!

If you wish to have the SessionFactory bound to a JNDI namespace, specify a name (eg. java:hibernate/SessionFactory) using the property hibernate.session_factory_name. If this property is omitted, the SessionFactory will not be bound to JNDI. (This is especially useful in environments with a read-only JNDI default implementation, e.g. Tomcat.)

When binding the SessionFactory to JNDI, Hibernate will use the values of hibernate.jndi.url, hibernate.jndi.class to instantiate an initial context. If they are not specified, the default InitialContext will be used.

Hibernate will automatically place the SessionFactory in JNDI after you call cfg.buildSessionFactory(). This means you will at least have this call in some startup code (or utility class) in your application, unless you use JMX deployment with the HibernateService (discussed later).

If you use a JNDI SessionFactory, an EJB or any other class may obtain the SessionFactory using a JNDI lookup.

We recommend that you bind the SessionFactory to JNDI in a managend environment and use a static singleton otherwise. To shield your application code from these details, we also recommend to hide the actual lookup code for a SessionFactory in a helper class, such as HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(). Note that such a class is also a convenient way to startup Hibernate—see chapter 1. "

It turned out that a property called "hibernate.current_session_context_class" must be set.
My hibernate.cfg.xml looks like:
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"

        <property name="show_sql">true</property>
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
        <property name="connection.username">username</property>
        <property name="connection.password">password</property>
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/hibernate</property>
        <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
        <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
        <mapping resource="User.hbm.xml"/> 
Then, I tried a very very simple read-only JNDI service provider - simple-jndi. My simple-jndi configuration file ( which should be put into root of your classpath) looks like:
#The first (required) parameter,, is the location 
#of your simple-jndi root, which is the location in which simple-jndi
#looks for values when code asks for them.
Under directory pointed to by property, I have a jndi data file called
So, my new version of hibernate.cfg.xml looks like:
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
        <property name="connection.datasource">hibernate_jndi.mysql</property>
        <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
        <mapping resource="User.hbm.xml"/> 
Note: in the file, session factory name is not set! This is because we are using a read-only JNDI. If you use a read-write JNDI, you can set the session factory name in one of the following ways:
(*) In file:
hibernate.session_factory_name hibernate/session_factory
(*) In hibernate.cfg.xml file:
<session-factory name="your name goes here">

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