I got a virtual machine which I can log in as root. The virtual machine is pretty clean without any more packages besides CentOS.
I installed vim using yum install vim-enhanced. I also installed jdk1.5 and maven2.
Then I checked out the source code from shindig svn trunk. See instructions here http://incubator.apache.org/shindig/#tab-building.
Unfortunately, the test failed when I compiled and installed shindig. This kind of things always happens because of instability of trunk code. So I copied my previous checkout of shindig code which worked well from another machine. Then the compilation and installation succeeded.
OAuth gadget demo to retrieve google contact list
Now the sample demo is here:
Set field "Displaying gadget" to, Uncheck "use cache".
Click button "reset all". If everything works fine, you would see following in main panel:
Clieck "Personalize this gadget", a popup window would appear which prompts you to login to your google account. Then you can choose grant or deny the access request. If you grant the request, the popup window would be closed automatically, and the main panel would be populated with your google contact list.