Monday, November 08, 2010

How to run/debug Shindig in Eclipse

Instructions here ( are for old versions of Eclipse.

I am using Eclipse Helios. You should install Maven plugin m2eclipse before following following instructions.

  1. Download or check out shindig code.
  2. File –> Import
    Maven –> Existing Maven Projects
    Specify the root directory of shindig code.
  3. Right click top level imported project (*-project):  Debug As –> Debug Configuration
    Create a new configuration for “Maven Build”.
    Base directory: root directory of shindig code
    Profiles: run
    Unselect “Skip Tests”.
    If you want to use a port number rather than 8080, add a parameter “jetty.port”.
    Clicek “Debug”.
  4. Jetty server should run successfully. Look at your console for possible error messages.

Add breakpoints, then send a request to Jetty server. Eclipse complains that it cannot find source code for the debugged app, and prompt you to add source lookup directories.

1 comment:

ccc said...

great article; it helped me out where I was stuck