Thursday, January 24, 2008


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(1) Workflow:


This class represents a workflow. A workflow can contain more than one job. Note: a job in workflow can be another workflow.


Workflow.addJob( jobname, job )

A new job is appended to this workflow.

Workflow.deleteJob( jobname )

The job with the name specified by parameter jobname is deleted. As a result, all related dependency is deleted as well.

Workflow.listJobs( )

List all jobs in a workflow.

Workflow.searchByName( jobname )

search job in terms of name.

Workflow.addDependency( jobparent, jobchild )

Add dependency which says that job jobparent should be executed before job jobchild.

Workflow.removeDependency( jobparent, jobchild )

Remove dependency between job jobparent and job jobchild.

Workflow.toggleDependency( jobparent, jobchild )

Toggle dependency. If there is a dependency, remove it. If there is not, create a new one.

(2) WFQueue


This class represents a workflow queue in which all workflows have no dependency on each other. In other words, workflows in WFQueue can be executed in arbitrary order.


WFQueue.addWorkflow( name, workflow )

Append the workflow specified by parameter to a workflow queue.

WFQueue.removeWorkflowByIndex( index )

Remove a workflow according to parameter index.

WFQueue.removeWorkflowByName( name )

Remove a workflow with name specified by parameter name.

WFQueue.clearAll( )

Remove all workflows in the queue.

WFQueue.searchByName( name )

Return the index of the workflow with the name specified by parameter. If no

corresponding workflow exists, return -1.

(3) Executor


This class mainly submits workflow to remote server.


Executor.Executor( serverURL )

Constructor of class Executor. The parameter specifies URL of remote server where following submissions will be sent.

Executor.submitWF( workflow );

Submit workflow to remote server.

Executor.submitWFQueue( workflow );
Submit workflow queue to remote server.

Executor.transfer( from, to )

Shortcut for transferring a file. Note: this task can be done by putting a corresponding job into a workflow, then submitting the workflow to remote server. However, job “transfer” is used so frequently that I decide to separate it.

(4) Queryer


This class is used to query state of workflows submitted by end users.


Queryer.query( username );

Get state of all workflows submitted by a user.

Queryer.query( username, workflowid )

Get state of a specified workflow submitted by a user.

Queryer.query( username, workflowids )

Get state of specified workflows submitted by a user.

(5) Authenticator


Authenticator.login( username, password )

Authenticator.logout( username, [ password ] )

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