Recently, I read some articles about RESTful web services and I am looking for some java libraries which have great support for REST. REST is supported by Axis2. However, the support is very limited. First, document( of REST support in the official web site is horrible. The content is very very brief so that I have more questions and confusions than what have been addressed by that document. Support for REST in Axis2 relies on a new feature in WSDL2 which enables HTTP binding. Here is a good article about it: However, HTTP binding doesn't enable programmers to implement a full REST style system. I did not dig into WSDL2 to get more knowledge about its HTTP binding. Here( is an article from someone else who complains Axis2.
Then, I found that JCP published a Java API specification about RESTful web services. It is JSR-311( That looks pretty good because now we have a standard about how to use REST in Java. Jersey( is reference implementation of the specification. Besides Jersey, Restlet( is another implementation which provides more features. Note that the specification itself is still in beta phase.
I decided to try Jersey. First download and unpack it.
Sample code:
@Path("/") public class RESTTest{ @HttpContext UriInfo uriInfo; @GET @ProduceMime("text/plain") public String getUserAll(){ return "You want to retrieve information about all users."; } @Path("{user}") public UserResource getUserInfoAsText(@UriParam("user") String userid){ return new UserResource(userid); } }Most readers have noticed that Java annotation is used frequently. I think this method is handy and convenient.
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