Java COG Abstraction
“Every Grid job (remoteexecution, file transfer, file operation) is represented as a
General Abstraction Classes:
AnExecutableObject provides a high-level abstraction for artifacts that can beexecuted on the Grid. It can be specialized as a Grid Task or a TaskGraph.
Every Grid Taskhas an associated Specification that dictates the objective of the task and theenvironment required to achieve the objective. This class just provides basicattributes which are common to almost all kinds of tasks.
Following three classes are subclasses ofSpecification:
TheFileTransferSpecification provides the commonly used attributes for ?letransfers between Grid resources.
Every Grid Taskhas a set of remote Services that support the actual execution of the task. Theservice interface is a local representation of the remote Grid service. Everyservice has a provider attribute that specifies the technology andprovider supported by that service. It also has a service contact and a securitycontext specific to that provider.
Cog-abstractionscontains the TaskHandler and the TaskGraphHandler,to process a Task and a TaskGraph respectively. Once a Task or a TaskGraph issubmitted to the appropriate handler, the handler interacts with the desiredGrid implementation and accomplishes the necessary tasks. The handlers incog-abstractions can be viewed as adaptors that translate the abstract definitionsof a Task and TaskGraph into implementation-specific constructs understood bythe backend Grid services.
Every ExecutableObject (Task or TaskGraph) has an associated execution status.
The permissionsinterface provides a means to get and set permissions for a class of usersalong with GridFile and FileResource abstractions.
A GridFile is anabstract representation of a remote file or directory. It represents the basicproperties of a file such as size, name, modification date, access permissionsetc. This abstraction is a passive information carrier and cannot be used tomodify the properties or contents of a remote resource directly. It can be usedas an input to the file resource abstraction to change access permissions of aremote resource.
Additional Abstraction
If what a userwants to do is manipulate file resources ( read, write, delete, copy …),JavaCOG provides an additional abstraction class which makes the task easier. Inthis case, the user does not need to use task model.
An alternatemodel of abstraction for file operations, bypassing the task model, isalso available for applications that desire direct interactions with the filehosting Grid servers. A FileResource provides all the necessaryfunctionality to directly invoke remote file operations.
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