Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Currently, I am focusing on building client and server programs which communicate with each other by using XML-RPC.
To support XML-RPC at client side, there are two choices. I write javascript functions that handle XML-RPC related stuff --encoding, decoding, escape ... I read the XML-RPC specification. It is not long, just a few pages. However, to implement a robust and steady xml-rpc javascript library is not so easy as it looks. I don't have so much time to do this. So, I chose to make use of existing library. I surveyed many XML-RPC javascript libraries. Shortly afterwards, I found that most of the libraries were not satisfying. For example, some libraries even don't escape the parameters passed to a method. If a parameter is a string and it contains '<' characters, those '<' characters must be escaped in order not to confuse the server because '<' marks start of a tag!! After trying lots of times, I found two good libraries. One is mozilla xml-rpc javascript library which is used by Firefox. However, it requires additional javascript libraries which are basis of Firefox javascript libraries. To use it, lots of libraries are needed and obviously this is cumbersome.  The other good library is Javascript O Lait which builds generic architecture to allow users to create and import module. In addition to support of modularity, it provides many useful modules, such as Codec, JSON-RPC, XML-RPC, String extension ... At last I decided to use Jsolait. Key code is:
var url = "";//The path must comply with configuration at server side
var methods = ["zhguo.handler.inBound"];//This is the full qualified name of the method you want to invoke. 
     //Note: this must comply with the configuration at service side
var xmlrpc=null;
    xmlrpc = imprt("xmlrpc"); //import the needed module
    throw "importing of xmlrpc module failed.";
 var service = new xmlrpc.ServiceProxy( url, methods );
 var from = "home", to = "rpc";
 service.zhguo.handler.inBound( from, to );//directly call the method by using service object
 alert( e );

I make use of Apache XML-RPC Java library. There is no detailed document on the web. Official website has some description on how to quickly build application based on XML-RPC. There are several ways you can use the XML-RPC service. I chose to embed it in Tomcat container. Key procedure is:
(1) Edit the web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"
  <display-name>Test for XML-RPC</display-name>
  <description>This is a test for XML-RPC</description>
   <description>Sets, whether the servlet supports vendor extensions.</description>
(2) Create your service. My sample class is:
package zhguo.test;
public class SimpleHandler{
 public SimpleHandler(){}
 public String inBound( String from, String to ){
  return "thank you, " + from +", for calling " + to;
And put the corresponding .class file in the directory WEB-INF/classes/zhguo/test/.
(3) Add a file called XmlRpcServlet.properties under directory WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/xmlrpc/webserver/. Content of the file is
Note: zhguo.test.SimpleHandler is the class which provides service to XML-RPC client. The public functions in this class are exposed by Apache XML-RPC framework to clients. In other words, clients can invoke public functions defined in class zhguo.test.SimpleHandler. The property name is an arbitrary string. It represents the corresponding service class (In this case it is zhguo.test.SimpleHandler). Clients use this name to access the service. So, in javascript above, one statement is 'var methods = ["zhguo.handler.inBound"]'. Upon receiving the request, the server looks up the class corresponding to "zhguo.handler", invokes inBound function of that class and returns the result.
(4) Put the necessary libraries(XML-RPC .jar files) in the lib directory
(5) Starts the tomcat.
Finally, the directory layout is:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so cool of you. Thank you!